Keynote Speakers
Andy Wilson
执行总监 at Alliance for SoCal Innovation
Andy现任Alliance执行总监,并在Pasadena市政委员会、经济发展和技术委员会任职,Innovate Pasadena的创始人,初期科技创业公司加速器以及风险基金Momentum Ventures创始人。在Overture Services,Yahoo!,RiverOne等公司担任主席,COO,CIO等,领导、投资了24+家南加科技初创企业,他被评为San Gabriel Valley地区50名最具创新力的人。
Andy Wilson is the Executive Director for The Alliance for Southern California Innovation, founder of Momentum Ventures, a high-tech startup accelerator and venture capital. Andy is a co-founder and board member of Innovate Pasadena. Andy has extensive volunteer experience with the City of Pasadena. Andy currently serves on both the Municipal Services Committee and the Economic Development and Technology Committee of the City Council.
Brian Mac Mahon
Head Honcho at Expert DOJO
作为最大的也是全球唯一的点对点巅峰最佳表现学院的总负责人,Brian精通于调动一切可用资源,帮助企业家成功创业。Expert DOJO通过为初创企业吸引投资、增加曝光度、扩大影响力以及创建社群来提升这些企业的成功几率。他和他的合作伙伴在义乌创立了加速器,并且能够为初创企业提供不同轮次的投资人资讯。
He specializes in helping entrepreneurs become more successful in their business by using all the tools available to him as owner of the largest peer to peer peak performance academy in the world. Expert DOJO improves the success rate of early-stage entrepreneurs with investment, foundation, showcasing, influence, and community. He can speak about why we are opening an accelerator in YiWu and how important Chinese American Startup relations are going to be over the next 10 years.
自由君 Mr. Zi You
主播自由君也成为喜马拉雅打赏排名前十的喜马拉雅头部主播。自由君的第一张付费专辑《随口说美国-移民专辑》已经销量破百万元。《随口说美国-中美跨境创业与投资》 专辑正在沉淀中。喜马拉雅FM创始人及CEO余建军曾经在做客《21世纪经济报道》中说到“内容为王”时专门提到《随口说美国》与有着福建口音的主播自由君。
Wu Xian Zi You (also called Mr. Zi You, with Zi You meaning freedom), is a freelance writer and we-media practitioner living in the U.S.. He was from Fujian Province in China and once worked as an executive of a listed company. In February of 2014, he started a program The America I See in Himalaya FM, the largest podcast app in China and became extremely popular.
Mr. Zi You, the broadcaster has also become one of the top 10 broadcasters who were rewarded most by the audience of Himalaya FM. His first paid album, The America I See-Immigration has sold copies worth over a million yuan. His new album, The America I See-Cross-border Entrepreneurship and Investment between the U.S. and China is estimated to come out soon. Mr. Zi You and his program were mentioned as a great example of the view “Content is the king” by the founder and CEO of Himalaya FM during his interview with 21st Century Economic Report.
David Li
Senior Manager at HBO
David Li是著名影视公司HBO的高级经理,他在HBO管理着价值数十亿的电视剧和影片,其中包括“硅谷”和“权力的游戏”等热门电视剧。 David拥有11年的电影和电视内容投资经验。 他帮助HBO和华纳兄弟提供金融绿灯服务,并在帮助HBO成为行业领先的长期计划战略和投资活动方面发挥了关键作用。 在David的电视任期之前,他的职业生涯开始于福克斯电影的数字发行,支持获得奥斯卡奖的“黑天鹅”和“神奇福克斯先生”的绿灯项目。 后来他在NBCUniversal和Comcast合并后帮助其在全球范围内的数字扩张。 Davis还是一位独立电影制片人,致力于将亚洲/少数民族的观点,文化和故事带给全球观众。 除了在电视/电影行业中的努力,Davis还担任专注于媒体/技术方向的非盈利组织N3XT CON的项目总监。
David Li is a senior manager at HBO, where he manages a multi-billion programming slate, which includes hits such as “Silicon Valley” and “Game of Thrones”. David has 11 years of experience planning investments in film and TV content. He has helped HBO and Warner Bros. provide financial greenlights and played a critical role in helping HBO’s leadership navigate the company’s long-term programming strategy and investment activities. Before David’s TV tenure, he started his career in Fox Film digital distribution, supporting the greenlights of the Academy Award Winning “The Black Swan” and “Fantastic Mr. Fox”. He later helped NBCUniversal’s digital expansion worldwide post the Comcast merger. David is also an independent film producer who is dedicated to bring Asian/minority perspective, culture, and stories to a global audience. In addition to his TV/Film endeavors, David serves as Director of Programs at media/tech focused non-profit N3XT CON.
Bill Wang
President of Overseas Business at 360 Games
Bill Weizheng Wang is President, Overseas Business at 360 Games, one of the leading gaming companies in China. Prior to that, he was Corporate Vice President and Head of Global Investment/Business Development at Perfect World. He helped establish Perfect World’s US operations and was responsible for investments in acclaimed developers including Runic Games and Unknown Worlds. He also pioneered Perfect World’s efforts to develop strategic partnerships with industry giants like Valve.
Bill Wang received his MBA degree from Pennsylvania State University in 2001 and received his master’s degree in finance from Boston College in 2004.
Livi Zheng
Film Producer and Director at Sun and Moon Films
Livi Zheng is a film producer and director at Sun and Moon Films. She first gained widespread recognition for her film Brush with Danger (2014), which was released theatrically in the US and distributed internationally. Livi is currently finishing her next action-thriller, Insight, that was shot in Los Angeles. She is also directing and producing the film Bali: Beats of Paradise, which is a film in collaboration with Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Los Angeles. Besides filmmaking, Livi enjoys teaching and martial arts. She has spoken and lectured in more than 20 prestigious universities worldwide including University of Southern California, New York Film Academy, and China Communication University. Livi is also a martial artist and she has won 26 medals and trophies, including the US Open.
Livi Zheng是著名Sun and Moon Films的电影制片人兼导演。她在2014年因拍摄电影Brush with Danger首次获得广泛认可,该片首先在美国发行并在国际上不同地区上映。 Livi目前正在洛杉矶拍摄和制作她的下一部动作惊悚片“Insight”。她同时负责制作电影“巴厘岛:天堂之兽”,这是一部与驻洛杉矶印度尼西亚共和国总领事馆合作拍摄的电影。除了电影制作,Livi还喜欢教学和武术。她曾在全球20多所知名大学演讲和授课,包括南加州大学,纽约电影学院和中国传媒大学。作为一名武术家,她在包括美国公开赛等多项赛事中赢得了26枚奖牌和奖杯。
Future Retail
王元博 Yuanbo Wang
CEO of YouWorld
资深创业人士,毕业于南加大计算机专业。 在大学期间创办了自己的第一家跨境商务公司。 22岁又联合创办了数字音乐创业公司并担任CTO。2013年被洛杉矶商业日报评选为20年龄段杰出企业家。2015年,当选福布斯(亚洲)30个年轻杰出金融投资行业人士之一,担任多家企业董事会成员及顾问。现在担任You.World CEO 兼任南加大工程学院讲师。
Experienced entrepreneur, graduate of USC with computer major. He started his first cross-border business during the college years. He co-founded a digital music company at the age of 22 and worked as CTO. In 2013, Yuanbo was elected as one of the outstanding entrepreneurs in their twenties by Los Angeles Business Journal. He was one of the 30 Forbes outstanding (Asian) financial investment practitioners of 2015. While being a board member and consultant for many businesses, he works as You.World CEO and lecturer of the School of Engineering at USC.
曲卉 Hui Qu
VP of Growth at Acorns
曲卉是现任美国最大微投资应用Acorns市场和实验副总裁,前Growth Hacker网增长负责人,《硅谷增长黑客实战笔记》作者。
Hui Qu is the current Vice President of Growth, Experiments & Retention in Acorns, the largest Micro Investment App in the United States. She was the previous Product Manager for growth at Growthhackers.com and also the author of the Live Notes of Growth Hacker in Silicon Valley.
王愚 Yu Wang
COO of JEM Enterprise
现任JEM Enterprise COO. JEM 集团的品牌定位是结合设计与高质量的产品,赋能女性的日常生活,旗下品牌包括Eve by eve’s(全球定制的纯天然护肤品和天然高效的美妆产品),和Eve’s Temptation(中国最大的高端内衣品牌之一)
Current COO of JEM Enterprise. The brand positioning of JEM is product with high quality and outstanding design. Female daily necessities is its main business scope. It owns the brands of Eve by eve’s (global brand of customized natural skin care product and cosmetics) and Eve’s Temptation (one of the biggest premium womenswear brands).
Vanessa Yang
Managing Director at Plug and Play
负责监管和运营洛杉矶分部。Plug and Play是总部位于硅谷的世界上最大的创业加速器以及最活跃的VC。成立11年,创新平台已扩展到了包括德国,法国,中国等的12个国家,26个地区。过去六年中,Vanessa一直致力于帮助企业家的企业发展与运营。
Over the past six years, Vanessa has focused her career in helping entrepreneurs get their companies off the ground and running. Among her accomplishments were selecting and taking startups on overseas pitch sessions, many of which eventually received generous support and funding. Additionally she was instrumental in the development of a science park and incubation center in China.
Edith Yeung
Partner at 500 startup
500 Startups,专注于早期阶段的创投公司。正在重点关注少数族裔人群,并且希望在科技行业里看到更多人种多样性。2016年6月,500 Startups成立了一个 2500 万美元的创业微基金,重点支持黑人及拉丁裔创业者。这也是首个针对少数裔群的创业基金,它将不会专注于某个特定行业领域。该微基金只会投资美国国内的少数族裔创始人,预计会投资 100 家初创公司。对于黑人及拉丁裔创业者们而言,获得 500 Startups 的青睐意味着能够获得资金、人脉和经验,帮助自己的初创公司快速发展。
Edith Yeung is the Partner of 500 startup, a venture capital company focusing on early investment. It is now paying close attention to the ethnic minorities for ethnic diversity in the technology industry. In June of 2016, 500 Startups established a micro venture fund with 25 millions dollars, especially for supporting the Black and Latino entrepreneurs. It is the first venture fund targeting at the minorities without being limited in a specific industry. The micro fund will only invest in the minority entrepreneurs in the United States and is supposed to fund 100 start-ups. For the Black and Latino entrepreneurs, attention from 500 Startups will equip their new enterprise with funds, networks and experience, which will lead to rapid growth.
Zac Cole
CTO at WhiteBlock
Zac is the CTO of WhiteBlock. Whiteblock is a blockchain testing company located in Los Angeles, CA. Their blockchain testing platform and Blockchain Testing-as-a-Service (BTaaS) solution allows users and development teams to quickly and easily validate the performance of blockchain systems, protocols, and decentralized applications."
Justin Jung
CEO at Alchemy Coin
Justin Jung 是Alchemy Coin的CEO. Alchemy Coin 是一个基于区块链的P2P借贷市场。平台允许全世界范围内供应端出借方和需求端借入方之间快速直接地通过使用智能合同和区块链技术进行可靠地借贷。Justin 还是联合国旗下全球区块链组织的发起成员。
Justin Jung is Chief Executive Officer at Alchemy Coin. Alchemy Coin is a blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) lending marketplace. The platform allows for instant and direct lending between supply-side lenders and demand-side borrowers from all over the world in a trusted manner using smart contracts and blockchain technology. Justin is also the founding member of Global Alliance of Block Chain Organizations of United Nations.
Bill Tang
Partner/Managing Director at Iconiz
Bill Tang works as Managing Director of ICONIZ. Prior to joining ICONIZ, Bill worked at Plug and Play Tech Center (early investors of Google, PayPal, Dropbox) as Senior Ventures Associate. PNP is the largest accelerator in the world with over 25 offices across the globe. Bill led multiple investments in Los Angeles within the past two years. Before that, Bill worked for Draper Fisher Jurvetson's as venture analyst, prioritized in performing industry analytics. DFJ is a pioneer in the blockchain space and one of the world’s leading VC firms, with successful exits in TESLA, SpaceX, Baidu, etc. Bill received his degrees from University of Oxford in the U.K and Pitzer College in the U.S..
Bill Tang是洛杉矶区块链孵化器ICONIZ的总经理,在加入ICONIZ之前,他是Plug and Play Tech Center(简称PNP)的高级投资经理。PNP在全球拥有25家分部,是全球最大的创业孵化器,曾是谷歌、PayPal、Dropbox坚果云等公司的早期投资方,Bill在过去的两年在洛杉矶完成了多个项目的投资。更早以前,Bill在Draper FIsher Jurvetson's(简称DFJ)担任投资分析师,主要负责的是演艺行业方向的分析。DFJ是区块链行业的先驱,也是全球顶级的风投之一,投资过特斯拉、SpaceX、百度等。Bill是英国剑桥大学和匹泽学院的校友。
Trey Zhong
Blockchain Engineer at WhiteBlock
Trey Zhong 是WhiteBlock的区块链工程师。他是南加州大学计算机专业的研究生。他在读期间曾经是Viterbi工程学院的区块链研究助理。Trey和南加州大学的工程学院和商学院的学者们一起研究区块链科技应用的实例。其中领域包括物联网,供应链以及医疗健康。
Trey Zhong is the blockchain engineer of WhiteBlock. He is a graduate student majored in computer science in University of Southern California. He was a blockchain research assistant in USC Viterbi School of Engnieering. Trey Worked with researchers from engineering and business school at USC to explore uses cases for blockchain techonologies. Area includes Internet of Things, supply chain and healthcare.