SoCal Innovation Forum 2018
SoCal Innovation Forum(SIF) has aimed at boosting and celebrating Southern California entrepreneurial ecosystem as a cross-border platform between U.S. and China. As the most influential forum of its kind in Southern California, the 7th SoCal Innovation Forum continues inviting visionaries to share the most genius ideas to encourage innovations. Featuring a variety of themes in 2018 including Future Retail, Technology Innovation, and Cross-border I.P., SIF covers topics from blockchain, AI, interactive media, targeting digital marketing to cross-border investments.
The whole day conference brings together 800 + entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals to share and learn fresh advanced perspectives. Come, mingle, and get inspired to forge the path you have yet to discover.
Cross-Border I.P.
Future Retail
Frontier Technology
Morning Session
Guest check in
Opening Remarks
9:30am- 9:50am
Keynote speech: Cross-Border innovations and trends by William Hsu, MuckerLab
主题演讲 - 跨境硅滩新时代,新机遇
Panel - Trends and innovations in blockchain
跨境区块链 - 区块链行业的趋势与创新
Keynote speech: The innovations of AI and why it is different
主题演讲 - 人工智能中的创新以及为何它将创造不同
Fireside Chat: Cross-border Challenges and Opportunities in the New Energy Era
主题对话 - 跨境新能源未来探索
Speech - SoCal Startup Ecosystem and Chinese Expansion of Expert DOJO
跨境创投生态 – 南加州硅滩创投生态及Expert DOJO在中国的扩张
Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
Forming the Alliance for Southern California Innovations
南加创新 – 成立南加州创新联盟
Cross-Border I.P.:The America I See
跨境I.P. – 打破边界,自由君带你360度看美国
Cross-Border Lifestyle innovations
Cross-Border I.P. Ecosystems featuring creative contents
跨境I.P. – 直击跨境娱乐/游戏I.P.诞生,传播及广告前沿
Cross-boarder New Retail: U.S. and Global Brands Operations
跨境落地 - 新零售品牌在美落地一线报告
Silicon Beach Focus:Best Blockchain in SoCal
聚焦硅滩 – 南加州硅滩区块链行业动态
Cross-Border Leadership: Empowering female leaders and young leaders
跨境领导力 - 女性领导力
Cross-Border: Acquisitions and Mobility
Cross-Border User Growth: How to drive user growth globally
跨境增长 - 中美用户增长秘籍
Closing Remarks
VIP 硅滩百人创业者投资人天台鸡尾酒晚宴
VIP Rooftop Cocktail Party (invitation-only) Or VIP ticket holder
William Hsu
Co-Founder, MuckerLab
William is the Co-founder and Managing Partner at MuckerLab. He was the SVP and CPO(product) of AT&T Interactive
MuckerLab曾被评为北美排名第二的创业孵化器。威廉曾是世界100强公司AT&T Interactive的高级副总裁和首席产品官。
Partner , 500 Startups
As the Partner at 500 Startups, Edith has had famous portfolios like Oasis, Stellar, Chirp etc.
现任500 Startups合伙人,Edith 曾被Inc’s 杂志评为硅谷最佳投资人之一,重要portfolio包括Oasis, Stellar, Silk Labs, Chirp, Libra Network 等势头强劲公司
Bill Gross
Founder and CEO of Idealab
Idealab has created over 150 companies with more than 45 IPOs and acquisitions since 1996. Bill has founded 7 Billion dollar worth Unicorn companies.
Bill Gross创立的Idealab从96年至今共成立或孵化150多家公司,其中45家上市或被收购。Bill已经成立过7家十亿美金级别的独角兽公司。
Dr. Jilei Hou
Senior Director at Qualcomm
Dr. Jilei Hou is Head of Qualcomm AI Research Program at Corporate R&D. He made substantial contributions across wireless 3G/4G/5G standards.
李红 Hong Li
Co-Founder, Executive Director,
Founder of China New Media International Center (CNMIC). Chief Editor of Chinese Entrepreneurship book series.
Dr. Feng An
Founder and Executive Director
President of Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET); founder and Executive Director of U.S.-China Cleantech Center (UCCTC)
Wei Guo
Funding Partner of UpHonest
He has been backing more than 200 companies through his firm Wei Fund, which he launched in 2014, and then UpHonest, his $50 million second fund.
Congyu E
Film Produer
Congyu is the co-producer of the movie Searching, distributed by Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions. They shot it in 13 days, and turns out that it has frossed $54 million worldwide.
由Sony Pictures出品的悬疑剧情片《Searching》的联合制片人,拍摄仅13天的《Searching》在Rotten Tomatoes获得95高分。
John Rossant
Founder and Chairman of the NewCities Foundation
NewCities Foundation is a global non-profit institution dedicated to improving the quality of life and work in cities. John has led the team producing the famous World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
Cecilia Li
Investment & Communications Director, OK Blockchain Capital
OK Group has over 1 billion daily transactions. OK Blockchain Capital invests in potential blockchain companies.
Cecilia任职于OK Blockchain Capital,它是OK集团的投资部门。OK集团还包括OKCoin和OKEX,全球顶级数字资产交易所 目前投资包括Celer,Blockcloud,Ankr等。
Brian Mac Mahon
Head Honcho, Expert DOJO
Brain is in charge of the largest P2P peak performance academy. Expert DOJO improves the success rate of early-stage entrepreneurs.
Brian在Expert DOJO为初创企业吸引投资、增加曝光度、以及创建社群。他在义乌创立了加速器,也会为项目融资提供支持。
Tony Chen
CEO, Channel Factory
Tony founded Channel Factory, an online video distribution and data company by making YouTube Ads buying easier, safer and smarter, through contextual targeting.
Channel Factory是最大的网络视频发行与数据公司。它赋能商家去精准地购买Youtube 的广告,是视频广告营销行业翘楚。
Jordan Kong
Head of Ecosystem Fund,Dfinity
Jordan works at PolyChain Capital, which manages the world’s premier blockchain asset.
Jordan 是PolyChain Capital风险投资合伙人,负责管理全球主要的区块链资产对冲基金。她曾任职于IVP, 它有AppDynamics,Eucalyptus等portfolio。
Dr. Liu Yan
Director of USC Machine Learning Center
Dr. Liu has won the National Science Foundation Award, the Dachuan Foundation Research Award, the ACM Paper Award Honor Award, and Yahoo, IBM, and Facebook Academy Awards.
曲卉 Hui Qu
VP of Growth, Acorns
Hui Qu is the current VP of Growth at Acorns, the largest Micro Investment App in the US. She published the Live Notes of Growth Hacker in Silicon Valley.
曲卉是现任美国最大微投资应用Acorns市场和实验副总裁,前Growth Hacker网增长负责人,《硅谷增长黑客实战笔记》作者。
Ross Zhang
CEO, Huobi Canada
Ross leads Huobi's Toronto head office. Before joining Huobi, he was responsible for total portfolio management at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) with $300B USD AUM.
Michael Zhang
Co-founder&CEO,Firefly Games
Michael is the founder and CEO of Firefly Games, and was the former overseas president of ZQGame, the online gaming company listed on the domestic GEM.
Michael是Firefly Games公司的创始人与CEO,曾任首家国内创业板上市的网游公司ZQGame海外总裁。
Livi Zheng
Director at Sun and Moon Films
Livi Zheng is a film producer and director at Sun and Moon Films. She is renowned for her film Brush with Danger (2014).
Livi Zheng是著名Sun and Moon Films的电影制片人兼导演。她在2014年因拍摄电影Brush with Danger首次获得广泛认可。
佟扬 Angela Tong
Partner of Jinse Finance
Jinse Finance is the most famous Blockchain Media in Asia. Since August 2018, Angela started to concentrate on the US market and serve as COO of CoinTime US.
金色财经是亚洲最大的区块链媒体。2018年8月起,佟扬开始专注于开发美国市场,并出任CoinTime US的COO
Charlie Gu
CEO , Kollective Influence
Charlie cofounded a global marketing agency that helps brands reach consumers through KOLs. He’s an expert in cross-border tourism marketing
Charlie Gu是Kollective Influence的首席执行官,通过关键意见领袖(KOL)连接品牌与消费者。 他拥有超过10年的跨境营销经验。
王愚 Yu Wang
COO, JEM Enterprise
JEM owns the brands of Eve by eve’s (global brand of customized natural skin care product)and Eve’s Temptation (premium womenswear brands).
JEM旗下品牌包括Eve by eve’s(全球定制护肤品)和Eve’s Temptation(中国最大的高端内衣品牌之一)
Yuanbo Wang
CEO, YouWorld
Experienced serial entrepreneur, Yuanbo founded YouWorld, which connects global brands, retailers with 135 million Chinese travelers.
连续创业者。YouWorld连接全球品牌,零售业与1.3亿华人境外消费者,元博是连续创业者,曾当选福布斯(亚洲)30 under 30s.
Peter Lu
Co-founder & COO of Jumpcut
While current e-learning platforms’ course completion rates are around 10%, Jumpcut as an online education platform has courses average 65%.
Jumpcut是一个实现式课程体验的在线教育平台。 在全网上学习平台课程完成率在10%左右的状况下,Jumpcut的平均课程完成达65%。
Mustafa Yilham
Partner, Amber AI
Mustafa was previously the Director of BD at Huobi. Amber AI is a global trading firm. It has traded $50 billion in 2018.
Mustafa是现任Amber AI的合伙人、火币网的前任商务扩展总监。仅2018年,AmberAI其产品交易额就超过了500亿美元。
Vanessa Yang
Managing Director. Plug&Play
Plug&Play is one of the most active VCs and accelerators in the world. It was early investors of Google, PayPal and Dropbox.
Plug&Play是世界上最大的创业加速器, 曾是谷歌、PayPal、Dropbox等公司的早期投资方。成立11年,创新平台已扩展到了12个国家。
Bill Tang
Managing Director, ICONIZ
Bill Tang works as Managing Director of ICONIZ, which has invested heavily on blockchain companies, including obEN.He worked at DFJ before ICONIZ.
Bill Tang是洛杉矶区块链孵化器ICONIZ的总经理,Bill曾在Draper FIsher Jurvetson's任职。
Wallace Lynch
Founder & CEO of Alpha Token
As a serial entrepreneur, Wallace has founded three early stage IT startups and co-founded several media and consulting companies in U.S. and China.
Neal Roche
CEO of WhiteBlock
Whiteblock offers a scalable blockchain testing platform which allows users to deploy multiple, fully-functioning nodes in a controlled testing environment.
Justin Jung
CEO,Alchemy Coin
Justin is an active advisor for multiple startups, a general partner at Trillion VC, and a founding member of the Global Alliance of Blockchain Organization at United Nations.
Justin担任多家区块链企业的顾问,也是Trillion VC的GP和联合国区块链特殊委员会的创始团队之一。
Allen Guo
Co-Founder, MentorX
MentorX has helped 1,000+ international students to successfully work in the United States, and built a long platform for young people with entrepreneurial dreams.
Chen Xu
智联招聘 海外业务全国负责人
Chen has more than 7-year HR experience. She has served as a recruitment consultant for many Fortune 500 companies, and has unique ideas and methods for talent building and training.
Angela Lu
Manager at Tesla Energy Department
Angela launched the Tesla National Store Energy Project and has proposed, led, and successfully promoted a number of pilot projects.

普创(PlusYoou)是美国加州注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,自2011年成立以来,秉承着 “服务在美华人创业,打造第一南加华人创业社区” 的理念,为中资企业出海、海外优秀项目回国落地提供支持和服务;为海外优秀人才提供职业发展机会;为创业团队对接中美优质资源和人才。普创与近百家知名公司建立了长期合作关系,其中包括IDG资本、真格基金、君联资本、光华资本、腾讯、百度、乐视、美图等。
PlusYoou is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization bridging business resources between China and U.S. Founded in 2011. It has organized hundreds of high-quality entrepreneurial events in Southern California, incubated about 200 startups and helped raise over 20 million dollar angel fund for start-ups in Southern California. Unleashing the rising power of Silicon Beach, PlusYoou believes that bringing the best out of both China and the U.S. will create opportunities and ideas that could shape the future. PlusYoou promises to provide the best services for entrepreneurial community.
If you have any question about SIF 2018, like speakers, sponsorship or partnership, please feel free to contact us.